I specialize in facilitating multimedia stories about humans and our various relationships with this planet.
My purpose is to improve the world by listening to and facilitating true and diverse multimedia stories about the B.C. coast and other areas, and to stir empathy and understanding for underrepresented ecosystems, organisms, and communities.
I believe that narrative always leads, and that the medium is based on the story we want to tell—resulting in a breadth of work that weaves powerful stories across various platforms, to a variety of audiences.
Storytelling can change the world through profound listening, sharing, and other ways of facilitating. I use the term facilitation because it’s not always my role to tell the story, but I would love to empower you and your community to tell it the way you want to.
Each of us is a product of multiple stories colliding—genetic, sociocultural, environmental, and personal. This means each of us has a unique and important story to tell.
What is your message to the world?

My core values can be summed up in Intention, Truth, Place, Empathy, and Sisterhood.
Intention is critical at every step of decision-making, from high-level objectives to individual words. Looking for an outcome without sight of intention has the potential to do great damage. A conscious process is critical for all endeavours.
Truths can be told in creative ways, but the facts have to be there. Imprinted in school with the scientific method, I am passionate about science communication and evidence-based storytelling in a world of growing misinformation. I take pride in working only on projects that are grounded in truth-telling.
We place ourselves specifically in space and time, and all of our actions happen within that context. Ignoring that is impossible, and the strongest stories come from people who have embraced that and committed themselves in one way or another to a place. Local stories are powerful.
Given the above, and recognizing that we place ourselves differently in the context of this world, it’s important to hold empathy and compassion for others whose placement gives them different world-views. I appreciate those who have compassion for me, and will keep an open mind for anyone who has the courage to start a conversation with me. Let’s treat people like humans instead of stereotypes, and lift each other up for a brighter collective future.
I am extremely grateful for this moment in time where we are witnessing a global movement to elevate extremely intelligent and powerful women in leadership roles. I have been held and lifted up by my own sisterhood of powerful womxn, and I will consciously be making efforts to do the same throughout my work and my life.